Custom Offerings
Along with her other services, Carrie provides custom offerings that include private consultations, presentations to professional groups or groups gathering over a shared interest, and private yoga sessions.
Presentations/Workshops/Seminars for Your Group
Carrie has an extensive background working with and teaching about the human subtle body and chakra system, which she refers to as the psycho-energetic spectrum. She has found numerous streams of psychology from East to West helpful to understanding and teaching different aspects of the psycho-energetic spectrum. She has presented workshops on the subtle body/chakra system for over fifteen years to groups of participants attending yoga teacher trainings, however, she has also had a great number of participants in her workshops from a wide range of therapeutic/health fields and various walks of life regardless of experience with yoga.
Although Carrie elected not to continue with post-graduate training in the fields of psychology or psychotherapy to become a licensed psychologist or psychotherapist, she has continued over the years to keep one foot of learning in various areas of developing theory and applied practice within Western psychology to maintain a balance with her influences from the Eastern hemisphere for a well-rounded understanding of the world’s ancient and contemporary wisdom on health and human development. Through readings, classes, workshops, and trainings spanning decades, she has been exposed to a wide range of modalities/practices in such specialized fields as (and off-shoots from) trauma-therapy, somatic therapy, and psycho-drama/drama-therapy-related approaches to healing. She has continued to cross-reference and synthesize nuggets of understanding from numerous sources and disciplines.
For a glance at the range of topics on which Carrie has presented to groups, see her current and recent workshops and a more comprehensive list of previous courses, workshops, lectures, and published work by her since 2001. Please contact her regarding your area(s) of interest.
A consultation can be helpful when you wish to dialog with Carrie for a better understanding of the theoretical or philosophical principles that inform her work or a topic/theme about which she has previously written, lectured, or taught. A consultation would be more information-based versus healing-process oriented as her other Holoflective Healing sessions are.
Private Yoga
An experienced, registered yoga teacher with advanced training, ERYT500, Carrie teaches yoga classes and workshops through local yoga studios in Sacramento and is available for private sessions if you would like to get more individualized attention on your practice. At a physical level, this could include fine-tuning your alignment, discovering easier access to certain postures or transitions, exploring modifications or alternative postures, or trying on variations to increase the level of challenge to cultivate more strength, flexibility/range of motion, and novelty/enjoyment.
Beyond the physical components of asanas (postures) and vinyasa (flowing from one posture to the next), yoga can help you to bridge your awareness to subtler energetic layers of your mind-body consciousness through pranayama (breathwork) and somatic/meditative attunement. As you become more meditatively attuned, your experience of yoga can naturally bring you to experiencing and understanding the higher limbs of this vast and comprehensive system of life. A specialist in interpreting the psycho-energetic spectrum, Carrie can work with you to support different areas/aspects of your mind-body health by correlating your psycho-energetic dynamics to specifically relevant yoga practices. Ultimately, yoga can be understood to affect and represent us on multiple levels including the physical, somatic, psycho-emotional, wisdom-attuned, and transpersonal.
*Please Read Private Yoga Disclaimer
If you have a seriously compromising physical injury/condition or extreme mental illness, Carrie recommends that you seek the support of a physician or appropriately qualified therapist/specialist.