Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
What kind of session should I begin with?
Whatever kind of session felt like a fitting starting place would be fine, however, unless you’re already clear about a particular focus or aim for the session–which could lend itself to hypnotherapy –it can be helpful to begin with a holographic energy session because your energy field would tell a much fuller story about you than what you reported from just your conscious awareness and beliefs. Also, a holographic energy session would vibrationally facilitate or enhance whatever followed the energy work whether that be more energy work, a hypnotherapy session, or whatever else you moved onto, with or without support, because your consciousness would be upgraded (recalibrated to a higher frequency) through the energy work. While the debriefing following the energy work can bring helpful clarity, a dialog is initiated that establishes rapport for possible further work together if that is desired.
Some people are just ready for, or only interested in, a hypnotherapy or past-life regression session from the get-go, which is welcome.
What kind of session should I have next?
Although you can ask for Carrie’s recommendation, the decision about the kind of session to have next is ultimately yours depending on how you feel and how ready you are to tune into yourself. In general, a holographic energy session allows you to relax during the energy work and verbally engage as much or as little as you like in the remaining time after Carrie provides her initial feedback in the debriefing. Hypnotherapy is interactive and requires your active participation throughout the interview and hypnotic journey. Holographic energy work does not need a particular agenda for the session, whereas hypnotherapy needs a more specific focus and intention. Integrative counseling also involves your active participation.
Are you seeing clients in person now? Where’s your office?
Carrie is back to providing in-person sessions (with certain conditions in place) and will continue to offer remote sessions via Zoom, FaceTime, or minus the video connection by phone. Most in-person sessions are provided in the Healing Room located within Fusion Yoga Studio at 1620 Executive Court, Sacramento, CA, 95864. For more details on scheduling, please contact Carrie.
Are remote sessions as effective?
Remote sessions are just as effective as in-person sessions, even though it’s desirable to meet in person for the sake of face-to-face connection when it’s safe to do so. Prior to COVID, Carrie was providing remote sessions for clients residing out of town, state, or country for several years.
What are your rates?
The rates are based on the type of session you have and the duration. If putting together a package of sessions to end an unhealthy habit with hypnotherapy, there is a discounted rate offered for the package. Please contact Carrie for information on the rates based on type of session and duration.
Can I do just a talk-therapy session with you?
Questions on Holographic Energy Work
What will I feel from the energy work?
Most clients feel “better” from a session (lighter, more relaxed, less stressed, etc.). Some psycho-energetic shifts may be felt, sensed, or perceived during a session while a variety of subtler shifts may begin to register over a period of days or even weeks, for example, as a helpful change of attitude, mood, or perspective. If you cannot put your finger on what is occurring, it may be you are in the midst of a bigger growth cycle in which the changes do not register all at once. Psychological time may be needed to process certain changes. One or more subsequent sessions (at your discretion) would further facilitate and accelerate your process if you were previously stuck or struggling.
Some people are not energetically sensitive and do not easily feel energetic shifts. It should be noted that your energetic sensitivity or ability to feel energy is not a measure of how effective the holographic energy work is or will be. For some, the improvement in psycho-emotional perspective and ability to move forward in life is what comes to stand out, along with various other possible effects of holographic energy work.
How many holographic energy sessions should I have?
Because there is no one-size-fits all prescription for how many sessions to have, Carrie is best able to make a recommendation at the time of a session through reading your energy field. One session will have immediate and helpful impact whether or not the impact is fully, consciously perceived or understood. However, if you have a lot of density in your energy field, you may not be able to perceive at first how the energy work is helping you. Regardless, the debriefing would likely help confirm that your energy field is being accurately read. Most clients feel noticeably better from the first session and many return for followup to build on the vibrational momentum.
If you have been dealing with a psychological holding pattern or are in the midst of a major healing crisis (e.g., a time of intense struggle, trauma, serious health challenge, or significant change/transition), then one or more sessions would advance you through your process with more ease. You may feel much better with one session and yet recognize more benefits with subsequent sessions. Some clients like a kind of maintenance and schedule semi-regularly. Others reach out whenever they feel the need. Carrie always does her best to support you within the parameters of your choices.
Does it matter if I’ve ever had energy work before?
Regardless of your previous experience with energy work (from none, to a little, to working with energy yourself) this high-frequency energy work will naturally set into motion what is needed in your energy field in the order it is needed. What is consciously experienced during and after a session actually depends on a number of variables pertaining to your/the recipient’s consciousness, including your innate vibrational potential, self-awareness, blind/shadow areas, habits, and defenses. Another factor familiar to some in consciousness-based fields of thought or practice is known as soul maturity. Carrie’s energy work is typically very well responded to by those who are vibrationally recognizable as very progressed in the development of their consciousness and are sometimes referred to as “old souls.”
Questions on Holistic Hypnotherapy
I don’t think I can go under. I don’t think I can be hypnotized.
Answer #1 With hypnotherapy, you would not be “going under” in in the sense of having surgery. You would not be knocked unconscious. You could have a potentially deep hypnotic trance without losing control of your faculties, meaning you would always have the ability to assume full control whenever you felt the need or desire to move or redirect. You are always in charge. Carrie acts as your facilitator and is on your side.
Answer #2 You already ARE hypnotized… by your own conditioning, as are we all to various degrees. Hypnotherapy is meant to enable your subconscious to internalize a more liberating and supportive interpretation and experience of things than some of your limiting or troublesome programs might currently be allowing. Presumably you welcome a more liberating and supportive interpretation. Sometimes there are contradictions inside, and if they show up, you are supported in working with those, too.
Carrie’s job is to create a very safe space and comfortable atmosphere to effectively guide and co-navigate with you on your journey so you can find the alchemical gold. The safer you feel, the more you can relax. The more relaxed you become the more readily the creative healing intelligence can emerge to help you access the solutions and insights that already exist within you.
How many hypnotherapy sessions do I need?
This depends on your objective for the hypnotherapy. Because Carrie is a holistic practitioner, she seeks a full picture in working with you. The first session involves a thorough interview and typically runs longer. One deep session often has tremendous impact. If working on ending a habit or addiction, there would be more than one session. These details can be discussed with Carrie.