Workshops & Events

Sacramento Healing Arts Fair

Sat-Sun, Jan 5-6, 2025
10am – 6pm
Sacramento Wyndham Hotel  
5321 Date Ave, Sacramento, CA 95841

Stop by Carrie’s booth and/or attend her talk on Sunday at 11:30am in the Magnolia Room:
How Your Mind Can Interfere with Your Healing, and What Actually Helps

For more details on this event go to the Sacramento Healing Arts Fair website.

Past Events

Grass Valley Healing Arts Fair

Sat-Sun, June 22-23, 2024
10am – 6pm
Gold Miner’s Inn, Ascend Hotel Collection 
121 Bank Street, Grass Valley, CA 95945

Stop by Carrie’s booth and/or attend her talk on Saturday at 12:00pm in the Speaker’s Room:
What High Frequency Energy Work Reveals and Heals

For more details on this event go to the Grass Valley Healing Arts Fair website.

Sacramento Healing Arts Fair

Sat-Sun, Dec 2-3, 2023
10am – 6pm
Wyndham Hotel Sacramento
5321 Date Ave, Sacramento, CA 95841

Stop by Carrie’s booth and/or attend her talk on Saturday at 11:30 in the Chestnut Room:
What High Frequency Energy Work Reveals and Heals

For more details on this event go to the Sacramento Healing Arts Fair website.

Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse Workshop
Deliberation, Recalibration

Saturday October 14, 2023 3:30-5:30pm
Sacramento Yoga Center

With the new-moon solar eclipse in Libra on October 14, themes of balance and fairness in relationships of all kinds as well as between opposing/contrasting areas of one’s life or within one’s psyche may be coming noticeably to the fore. A solar eclipse is said to open a portal for transformation at the micro and macro levels of our lives. While the effects of eclipses are typically considered to last up to 6 months, it has been projected that with the solar eclipse on Oct 14 some of us may find ourselves in early stages of a more substantial course adjustment in the bigger picture of our lives.

The question then becomes, do we want to participate consciously or not.

Transmutation is not a drive-through process, but we can use this window of energetic opportunity to get some helpful insight and traction. As the alchemical pot is brewing, the astrological qualities that accompany this eclipse could enhance our capacity to navigate a period of potentially challenging as well as potentially life-enhancing shifts, any of which could feel daunting in various ways. Some of us may have already been sensing an increasing pressure around certain psycho-energetic and/or relational patterns etched deeply into our consciousness which could feel karmic (however one wishes to interpret karma).

We will use our time together to contemplate some personal themes using a Libra lens to seek clarity. A general overview of the current astrology and a bit of yogic movement (nothing strenuous), breathwork, and meditative attunement will lead us into exploring our themes with the support of a Libra-informed process. Please bring a notebook and dress comfortably.

Sacramento Healing Arts Fair

Sat-Sun, Aug 12-13, 2023
10am – 6pm
Wyndham Hotel Sacramento
5321 Date Ave, Sacramento, CA 95841

Stop by Carrie’s booth and/or attend her talk on Sunday at 11:30 in the Maple Room:
Healing Blind Spots with Holographic Energy Work

Sacramento Healing Arts Fair

Sat-Sun, June 24-25, 2023
10am – 6pm
Wyndham Hotel Sacramento
5321 Date Ave, Sacramento, CA 95841

Stop by Carrie’s booth and/or attend her talk on Saturday at 12:00 in the Maple Room:
How Energy Work Actually Works

Warrior’s Journey for a Harmonious Heart: Full Moon in Aries

Thursday October 1st, 2020
5:00-7:00pm at designated location in Land Park

Join Carrie for a sunset, yoga adventure under the treelined sky in the park (with ample space for social distancing) on the early evening of the full moon this Thursday, October 1st.

The full moon will be in fiery/fired-up Aries opposed by the sun in balance-seeking Libra (visualize the scales). This workshop will include a general overview of the astrological dynamics of the October 1st full moon, and a richly thematic practice incorporating an array of warrior postures and variations to harness and express the warrior energy inherent in Aries.

Adding breathwork, meditation, and contemplation of the personal and collective psycho-energetic themes of this current sun-moon dynamic, we will move toward a harmonization of the active Mars/Aries energies with the element of balance that Libra seeks.

Workshop investment: $35

You can register for this workshop under Workshops and Events at Ritual Yoga Sacramento. The precise location for the workshop in Land Park will be provided after you have registered.

Please bring your own yoga mat and a folded blanket or cushion on which to sit. Notebooks are optional for recording reflections. We will spread out enough for ample social distancing. By keeping more than adequately safe distance, you can choose whether or not to wear a mask during the workshop.

Summer Solstice, Cancer New Moon Eclipse…
A Rare Synchronicity for Your Heart’s Next Initiation

Saturday June 20th, 2020
4:00-6:00pm Livestream

When we enter into the astrological season of Cancer beginning with the summer solstice on June 20th, we are inherently in position to be more in touch with what matters inwardly at a level we might consider our heart of hearts or deepest emotional essence. Immediately following the summer solstice is an exceptionally rare new moon solar eclipse also in the sign of Cancer. This very uncommon eclipse placement presents us with an enhanced opportunity to recognize seeds that already lie within our hearts and to activate their growth.

If we do not consciously engage our hearts in the creation of our lives, by default our unconscious conditioning often decides the course of things. Eclipses are said to have much longer impact with the themes they punctuate, and the seeds planted with this particular one may set a meaningful course for a year or more as they sprout and give shape to our respective existence. Furthermore, the unique placement of this particular eclipse is expected to affect not only individuals but the world at large.

We’ve been dealing with some of the more challenging emotions of life these past few weeks and months, and astrological forecasts for the rest of 2020 would seem to indicate the potential for further groundbreaking change, but much of the energy involved could be more on the rugged side. As a balancing stance, anchoring into the naturally supportive energy of Cancer on June 20th-21st should better enable us to hold space for our own emotions with gentle acceptance and respond to others with more empathy and kindness.

This workshop space will provide a uniquely supportive vibrational field for nurturing what you most wish to cultivate, which begins inwardly, and for some, part of the process may involve discovering or clarifying what that’s about. Along with accessible yoga tailored to the theme, meditation, and guidance to your inner sanctum, you will learn more about why this period presents such a potent window of opportunity to initiate your heart into harmonious emotional resonance for your subsequent unfolding.

Workshop investment: $35

You can register for this workshop under Virtual Class Schedules/Livestreaming Workshops at Yoga Shala Sacramento. 

Making Friends with the Unknown

Saturday May 9th, 2020
1:30-3:30pm Livestream

Many of us are understandably experiencing varying degrees of stress or anxiety these days, most apparently in reaction to the lingering presence of and repercussions from COVID-19 that are affecting most everyone. These extraordinary circumstances are certainly challenging many of us on multiple levels. However, there may be elements to our experience that are not simply caused by the pandemic. Is it possible that certain assumptions or illusions we have maintained about life all along are thinning and peeling back at the corners? Could there be a new or enhanced kind of awareness trying to peek through?

Regardless of the “why?” or “how long?” of our current circumstances, we may be called upon to discover or connect to subtler inner resources in a new or more consistent way. While calming and balancing our nervous system is incredibly helpful to self care and maintenance each day, might we be further prompted to answer a greater calling to internally reorganize and/or reorient ourselves? Not just as a temporary adjustment or coping measure, but in service of our greater personal evolution? If so, how do we get our bearings when so much about external life seems up in the air and beyond our ability to predict or control?

“Making Friends with the Unknown” will be a virtual collective gathering to aid each of us in recognizing the appropriateness of certain internal adjustments and finding inner guidance on the first or next step(s) to self-reorganization. While humanity is undergoing a collective transformation, our individual transformation is a process with no uniform proportions or timelines of one size fitting all. In our virtually shared time, our collective experience will incorporate movement, attunement, connection, and making rapport with the Mystery to discern our unique messages. Our individual process will involve becoming receptive to this inner guidance and inspired/trusting enough to cooperate with it.

Please bring a notebook/journal.
Early registration is recommended. The investment for this workshop has intentionally been kept modest to hopefully well accommodate everyone wishing to attend.

Workshop investment: $25

You can register for this workshop under Virtual Class Schedules/Livestreaming Workshops at Yoga Shala Sacramento. 

Introduction to the Human Subtle Body
in Yoga Theory and Practice

Part I: Sunday October 6th, 2019 1:00-3:30pm
Part II: Sunday October 13th, 2019 1:00-3:30pm

Part I, October 6th

Take your practice and understanding of yoga beyond the three-dimensional level!

Join Carrie for an overview of the energetic anatomy of the human subtle body that examines the basic energetic circuitry, archetypes, and distinguishing qualities corresponding to our vibrationally graded layers. We’ll look at various aspects of how the subtle body operates and communicates with the gross (physical) body, the dynamic interplay of energy and consciousness, and the graded dimensions of both in the evolving human consciousness spectrum.

Do not worry if subtle body theory seems too esoteric or abstract. If this information is new to you, this workshop will provide a helpful foundation for developing your understanding. If you have some existing knowledge of the subtle body, this workshop should deepen your grasp. Along with handouts and discussion, some meditation and attunement will be included as a primer for Part II (on Oct 13).

Part II, Oct 13th

Practice yoga with attention and attunement to the subtle body. Carrie well help you incorporate aspects of subtle body process presented in the first part of this series into more of a multi-dimensional practice with subtle and deepening nuances beyond the familiar cues for asanas. You are welcome to bring questions from Part I (October 6) to help us bridge the theoretical to the experiential.

*While it is highly recommended that you attend both sessions for the most comprehensive experience and understanding, you are also welcome to attend either part on its own.

**5 hours continuing education credit with the Yoga Alliance for yoga teachers who attend both sessions

Workshop investment: $50 per session or $90 for both sessions

You can register for either or both parts of this workshop at Yoga Shala Sacramento. The workshop will be held at Yoga Shala Sacramento, 2030 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95811.

The Full Moon in Scorpio

Saturday March 18th, 2019

​What might happen when the emotional depth of your being is magnetically amplified under intense exposure to an unwavering light? Paraphrased, what might emerge when the full moon in mysterious, highly charged, but authentically oriented Scorpio opposes the sun in stability seeking Taurus?

Carrie invites you to explore this psycho-astrological dynamic with her through a water-earth blend of accessible movement, somatic/transpersonal attunement, and the creation of a collective space that utilizes the heightened awareness provided by the Full Moon in Scorpio on May 18th to invite a satisfying expression or quiet clarification of your emotional self.

Workshop investment $50. Early bird $45 if registered with payment by May 1st. Limited space.

You can register for this workshop under Workshops and Events at Ritual Yoga Sacramento. The workshop will be held at Ritual Yoga Studio, 2405 21st Street, Sacramento, CA 95818.

Understanding the Subtle Body & Chakra System

Friday March 1st & Saturday March 2nd, 2019
6:00-9:30pm 11:30am-6:00pm*

​This intensive workshop will introduce and explain the subtle anatomy, psychology, and energetic-to-physiological function of the chakra system and related subtle-body components. Through lecture, discussion, a detailed packet and handouts, as well as guided exercises and reflection, participants will advance to a broader, more holistic experience and understanding of themselves and their fellow humans.

This rich theoretical framework is offered with modern and insightful psychological perspective that should prove relevant and relatable to yoga teachers and students, therapeutic practitioners and healthcare providers, and anyone interested in a more integrated understanding of the human consciousness spectrum. For those who have no existing knowledge of the chakra system and subtle body to those who do, this immersion is sure to clarify or usefully enhance your understanding of concepts that may have seemed too vague, cliché, or esoteric to grasp.

Carrie has an extensive research background on the subtle body and a wealth of experience working with and interpreting the psycho-energetics of the human energy field in her private practice. She has been teaching yoga since 2001 and has offered workshops and lectures on the chakra system and other topics related to consciousness and holistic healing for 14 years. Carrie is YACEP certified with the Yoga Alliance to provide continuing education for yoga teachers, and this workshop would be worth 10 hours of CEUs. See testimonials from previous participants in her Subtle Body/Chakra System Workshop. For more information, please contact Carrie.

Workshop investment $135. Early bird rate of $120 for those who register with full payment by February 23rd. Individuals who have previously taken this full workshop from Carrie may retake it for $95. Limited Space.

You can register for this workshop at Fusion Yoga Studio Sacramento. The workshop will be held at Fusion Yoga Studio, 1620 Executive Court, Sacramento, CA 95864. 

* Please arrive at least 10 minutes early both days to check and settle in. Comfortable dress for sitting and optional movement on Saturday, as well as a pen and notebook, are suggested. There will be a lunch/snack break on Saturday afternoon.

The Three Gunas and YOUR Approach to Yoga

Next date TBA

Join Carrie for an examination of the three gunas: the cosmic forces of nature/existence that permeate our body-minds and overall orientation toward life.  We will specifically explore how their influence shows up in our individual attitudes toward yoga practice.* Through lecture, discussion, self-reflection, meditation, and experimental asana (posture) practice self-tailored to individual choices, we will consider what drives our own attraction/aversion to certain aspects and “styles” of yoga practice and the overall attitudes with which we regard and engage in practice. The personal insights from this inquiry could help liberate you from limiting assumptions or projections about yoga practice or styles and could further reflect how the gunas are playing out in every aspect of your life, affording you a richer and more nuanced understanding of yourself.

*In this workshop, we are focusing on the external/physical practices of yoga (which mostly represents how yoga is offered in North American yoga studios). The hope is that the physical practices sooner or later help advance us to the ultimate realization of yoga, which is internal.

Yoga teachers registered with the Yoga Alliance can earn two hours of continuing education credit as Carrie is a YACEP certified (Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider).

The Fifth Chakra: Resonance & Resolution

Next date TBA

While the collective consciousness in our culture favors declaring new intentions with the turn of the calendar year, our individual consciousness will often short-circuit these “New Year’s resolutions” due to factors directly and peripherally associated with the fifth chakra (energetic center at the throat). Examining the fifth chakra’s pivotal role in determining the shape and quality of our lives will help us understand how certain psychological and energetic dynamics can impair free will, sabotage intentions to change, and perpetuate stuck patterns of being. Carrie will weave theory with exercises (including guided reflection on an area of wanted personal change) for a rich exploration of the throat center aiming to invoke your creative awareness and tune your will to resonance-based choice. The resolution qualities of the fifth and other chakras can collectively enable more resonant, healthy patterns to take the place of restrictive conditioning that has previously stalled or interfered with making and sustaining positive changes.

Sacramento Healing Arts Festival

Saturday Sept 21st & Sunday Sept 22nd, 2019
10:00-6:00pm      10:00am-5:00pm

Carrie will have a booth and offer holographic energy sessions both days of the festival. Please stop by to say hello and/or receive a session. She will also give a talk on Saturday at 12:00pm on the topic “What is the meaning of Grounding? How does it work, and what does it help?” For a description of this and other free presentations being offered throughout the festival go to

Saturday April 6th & Sunday April 7th, 2019
10:00-6:00pm       10:00am-5:00pm

Carrie will have a booth and offer holographic energy sessions both days of the festival. Please stop by to say hello and/or receive a session. She will also give a talk  on Saturday at 3:00pm on the topic “Healing vs Coping on Life’s Journey.” For a description of this and other free presentations being offered throughout the festival go to

Like the most gifted of Western teachers, Carrie integrates Eastern wisdom into our modern lives with a skillful balance of reverence, humor and societal relevance.

For me, Carrie’s practitioner role is what sets her apart from many other teachers — her workshop reflects her vast professional experiences in dealing with the human condition and the path she put herself on — her overseas travels, wanderings, reflections, academics, professional work and ultimately her own centering…

I absolutely loved Carrie’s chakra workshop. The material she included was applicable not only to the science behind chakras but also to everyday living. The information presented was useful to anyone interested in improving the quality of life. Carrie’s personal experiences and gentle ways offered insight unattainable from any book. Being in her presence brings my mind and body to a place of peace. 

I was overwhelmed – in a positive manner! – with insights into the state of my own chakra system, and had numerous realizations during the workshop of its connections to my health and issues in my life, due to the wealth of information that Carrie introduced and discussed.