Previous Offerings & Published Work
Classes, Workshops, Lectures, Published Work by Carrie 2001 to 2020
Intelligence within the Mind-Body (undergraduate course that Carrie created and taught through the Department of Psychology at California State University, Sonoma, spring semester 2002)
Subtle Awareness as the Link to Intelligence and the Unified Realm (master’s thesis published for Master of Arts Degree in Psychology, California State University, Sonoma, May 2003)
“Illuminating the Density of Unconsciousness through Holographic Awareness” (article published in Balanced Live Magazine winter 2011)
Yoga classes taught in yoga studios and other venues (2001 to present)
Lectures and workshops offered from 2005 onward:
The Essence of Chakras; The Chakra System Unveiled (seven and eight-hour workshop on the psychological, physiological, and energetic attributes of the main psycho-bio-energetic centers, 2006 to 2015)
Understanding the Subtle Body & Chakra System (nine-hour workshop on subtle body
anatomy and corresponding philosophies pertinent to yoga, 2015 to present)
Introduction to the Human Subtle Body in Yoga Theory and Practice (workshop)
How Does Energy Work Actually Work, and How Could it Serve Your Greater Evolution? (lecture)
Healing Vs. Coping on Life’s Journey (lecture)
Making Friends with the Unknown (workshop)
The Fifth Chakra: Resonance and Resolution (workshop)
The Shifting Edge of Consciousness (workshop; lecture)
Healing the Fragmented Mind (workshop)
What is the Meaning of Grounding? How Does it Work, and What Does it Help? (lecture)
Healing Your Defenses Vs. Defending Against Healing (lecture)
The Art of the Hypnotic Journey (lecture)
The Tangled Hierarchy of Chakras (lecture)
Summer Solstice, Cancer New Moon Eclipse…A Rare Synchronicity for Your Heart’s Next Initiation (workshop)
The Three Gunas and Your Approach to Yoga (workshop)
The Comprehensive Attunement (workshop)
Warrior’s Journey for a Harmonious Heart: Full Moon in Aries (workshop)
The Hidden Mechanics of Habits (workshop)
The Full Moon In Scorpio (workshop)
Possibility versus Probability in the Pursuit of Free Consciousness (lecture)
The Meaning of Whole in Holistic Healing & Consciousness (lecture)
The Creative Principle of Healing (lecture)
Losing the Weight of Unconsciousness (lecture)
The Spiraled Loop of Evolving and Healing (lecture)
Decoding the Language of Your Subconscious (lecture)
Stability Vs. Bog: First Chakra & the Ground Floor of Existence (lecture)
The Multiple Benefits of Yoga (lecture)
Who Benefits from Energy Work? (lecture)
The Posturing of the Subconscious (lecture)
Healing Core Wounds from a Consciousness Perspective (lecture)
The Healing Curve in Energy Medicine (lecture)
Healing the Gap between the Conscious and Unconscious Mind (lecture)
The Full Moon in Sagittarius (workshop)
Seven Dimensions of Freedom & Health (lecture)
The Power of Subtle Energy Work (lecture)
The Fifth Chakra & Free Will in Creating Your Life (lecture)
Evolving the Self in Third Chakra Terrain (lecture)
The Lower Chakras’ Function in Healing & Self-Actualization (lecture)
Healing Stuckness and Holding Patterns in Consciousness and Living (lecture)
The Missing Links in Healing & Evolving Your Personal Consciousness (lecture)